1 min read

Watching Grandkids

Watching Grandkids

This week I've been staying with my grandsons while my son, his wife and his daughter all went to Girl's Camp. They are 12 and 15 so they aren't hard to "babysit." In fact I've been having a fun time hanging out with them. I think I learn the most about my grandkids when I spend time like this with them. We're not having a big get together, it's just day to day living stuff. Tomorrow is my last day with them and I'm going to use them as guinea pigs for a list of questions I'm creating to ask kids that get them to talk. I'll be giving you guys the results in next week's blog.

That's the long way of saying that I haven't thought much about my blog today since I've been busy with them. But I did want to recommend a book I recently read. It's a very quick read and only $9.99 on Kindle. It's called "Canny Granny How to Be the Favorite Grandparent."

It has some good ideas in there, especially for anyone who is about to be a grandparent. Nothing earth shattering, mostly just common sense. I'll be looking into other books, websites, blog, etc for more information about being an awesome grandparent to share on this site.

As always, if you have anything you'd like to share about grandparenting, please feel free to post your experiences here!